

  华威国际货运代理有限公司(Master Freight International Ltd)成立于 2001年, 是一家专业从事第三方物流的货运公司。公司总部设在深圳, 主要致力于发展深圳、香港、澳门、珠三角及其它华南地区主要港口及机场的国际海运、空运货物运输代理业务。

   华威公司一直以来与Maersk、CMA、China Shipping、COSCO、Evergreen、CSAV等国内外知名船公司保持着长期良好的合作关系, 与国航、南航、法航、汉莎等多家航空公司签订了稳定的包板专线服务, 并且公司拥有遍布全球50多个国家200多个港口城市的海外代理网络, 依托深圳的地理及资源优势, 为客户提供优质的海运、空运以及门到门的物流服务。

   华威公司在深圳拥有自己的联营仓库以及保税仓库, 可通过铁路、汽运等多种渠道, 为客户提供普通货柜以及冷冻柜、加重柜等特种柜在深圳及珠三角地区各港口、内陆点的短途运输和交付服务。与此同时, 公司还与深圳各口岸的海关、码头、报关公司都有良好的合作关系, 可为客户代办报关、商检、熏蒸、收付汇等进出口相关业务。

华威公司拥有一个专业且经验丰富的优秀工作团, 并且建立了自己的完善的公司管理制度和业务操作及管理信息系统, 所有业务均实现了计算机化和网络化操作和管理。自成立以来, 公司一直秉承专业、诚信、安全、快捷的服务宗旨, 持续而深入地为客户创造更多价值, 竭力实现让完善、周到、专业及个性化的服务伴随客户不断成长与发展。

   “龙岂池中物,乘雷欲上天”。 中国经济发展的现状令人感慨, 中国经济腾飞的远景让人振奋, 华威国际在此愿与您携手并肩, 共创美好未来。

  —— Master Freight, the leading 3PL provider

  Established in early 2001, Master Freight is a professional 3PL company headquarters in Shenzhen, China. We specialize in a complete range of forwarding services including SEA(FCL/LCL)&AIR import and export business in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Macau, Pearl River Delta and other Southern China main ports and airport.

  We have not only maintained good relationships with s/lines, such as Maersk, CMA, CSCL, COSCO, Evergreen and CSAV, but also have agreements for stable air services with CA, CZ, Air France, Lufthansa, etc. To ensure a cost effective and global service, we work in collaboration with reliable agents throughout more than 50 countries and 200 port cities worldwide. Based on our local resource advantages, we can provide high quality air/sea freight services and door-to-door service catering for clients.

  Master Freight runs its own bonded warehouse in Shenzhen, China. We offer tailor-made short-distance transport and delivery service for general containers, special RF/OT/FR/heavy containers for clients in PRD areas by inland truck and rail. Meanwhile, we work closely with customs, ports, and customs declaration companies to guarantee a smooth transit of consignments from door to door by handling full set of import and export operations including customs declaration, fumigation, commodity inspection and international payment.

  Moreover, since its establishment, with our experienced and excellent professionals in operations and document handling, and with advanced computer information and management system and computerized business operation, Master Freight is proud to be a market leader in offering a personal, value-added and trustworthy way of transporting your goods and is continuously growing with clients.

  The economic outlook for China is positive and exciting, and China is believed to have continual robust growth in both exports and imports. Master Freight is willing to share our professional experiences and thorough knowledge of China market, and make progress with you for mutual benefits in the coming days.

粤ICP备 14095733号